Wednesday, 8 January 2014

A call to my professor Roscoe

Today, just few minutes ago, I called my teacher, dr.Roscoe. He taught me African Literature back in the university, around 2005. He is a great teacher and a wonderful human being. He helped me a lot in my life.
I called him to tell him that I am pregnant. He was happy for me and gave me advice about how to be healthy and stay fit so it will help the baby too.
I felt happy when I called him but he gave him some bad news. He is leaving the college in 2015. It makes me sad and I did not know what to say to him. I said "we will miss you"

Office day

I am in my office right now and I have my laptop in front of me, a have so many things to do but I al tired and I wanna take a break and dream about traveling to Spain.
Seems impossible, I am pregnant and I know how happy people around me are but I am scared of what will come and how my life will be like. I am afraid to gain weight and to lose my body shape, I am afraid to lose myself raising the kid.
I like kids and all what i am thinking these days is how to raise a good man or a good woman.
I do not know
I hope things will turn out Ok